24. okt 2015

Weekend at home

Oktoober on kohe-kohe läbi saamas ja sellega seoses tuli meelde, et mul on siiani mõned pildid postitamata. Kool ilmselt jääbki mu vaba aega röövima, mistõttu tuleb lihtsalt tekitada rohkem aega pildistamiseks. Need aga on tehtud 4-6. oktoobril oma koduaias. Viimane pilt on minu lemmiksupist, milleks on lillkapsa püreesupp. Retsepti leiab SIIT :)
October is coming to an end very soon and regard to this I remembered that I have some pictures unposted. The school will probably keep stealing my free time, so I'll just have to make time for shooting some how. These, however, are taken 4-6. October in my home garden. The last photo is of my favorite soup, which is a cauliflower cream soup. The recipe can be found HERE :)

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