14. apr 2021


Käisime eelmisel nädalavahetusel sõpradega jalutamas ja leidsime uue mahajäetud küla. Eriliseks teeb selle see, et viimane elanik lahkus sealt alles 2020. aasta mai kuus. Rahvast ei olnud palju ja saime rahulikult olla. Majadesse sisse igaks juhuks ei läinud, kuna need on vanad ja varisemisohtlikud.

Me and my friends went for a walk last weekend and found a new abandoned village. What makes it special is that the last resident left the village only in May 2020. There weren't many people around and we were able to walk calmy. We also didn't enter any houses just in case, because they're old and dangerous, about to collapse.

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